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Applying for Membership

Members of The American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers are those with recognized professional abilities and experience in either making or repairing. They are elected to the Federation and are entitled to all privileges and duties of membership.


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  • Membership is available to individuals who have their place of business, employment, and residence in the United States or Canada. Firms, corporations, or other organizations and groups cannot become affiliated with the Federation.
  • A membership applicant must be a full-time working professional violin or bow maker or restorer with recognized abilities and experience. An applicant must be at least 30 years of age and have no fewer than nine years of professional experience.
  • Applicants for membership may submit a formal application provided by the Secretary of the Federation. You must inform the Secretary if you wish to apply as a maker or restorer, as there are different criteria for these applications. To contact the Secretary, please email [email protected] .
  • The applicant must provide letters of recommendation from three members of the Federation who are familiar with his or her work. The applicant must also submit an example of his or her work for review by the Board of Governors. A non-refundable processing fee of $50 made payable to AFVBM Inc. must accompany all applications. An applicant is responsible for all shipping and insurance costs for submitting their work for review.
  • Applications and a sample of work will be deliberated and evaluated by the Board of Governors to ensure that all requirements have been met. The Board will communicate to the applicant their evaluation, after which the applicant may decide whether to proceed with his or her nomination. Membership applicants must have clearly established abilities and experience in either making or repairing. If questions exist about an applicant’s experience or abilities, the Governors may request that the applicant take part or all of the AFVBM Journeyman’s Examination. This will give the applicant an opportunity to demonstrate that he or she has acquired sufficient knowledge to meet all skill requirements. Passage of the Journeyman’s Examination by a grade of 85% or better will allow the applicant to be nominated by the Board for membership. Any expenses incurred to take the Journeyman’s Examination are the applicant’s responsibility.
  • For those applicants who have fulfilled the requirements and are nominated for consideration, their work will be voted on by the members present at the biennial meeting. Acceptance or rejection is by a simple majority of the votes cast.
  • Annual membership dues are $300 (US).

Start your application today!

Email the Secretary of the Federation for your packet.