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Ivory Ban and CITES Resources

Alliance/ John Bennett 2019/CoP 18 / Trade

John Bennett/CoP17/Dec 2016 reports

Dec7th2016 EndangeredSpecies Webinar

Dec7th2016 EndangeredSpecies Slideshow Only

July 6, 2016 Near-Total U.S. Ban on African Elephant Ivory Trade

Latest June 2016 USFWS: De Minimis exemption mentioned

A musician’s report: getting CITES passport: Agony and Ivory: The Ultimate Guide to Ivory for Musicians (PDF: if link broken: AgonyandIvoryPDF)

Strad Magazine article: What’s the Alternative?

Forbes article: Punishing Ivory Owners Rather Than Saving Elephants

AFVBM president Yung Chin interviewed WQXR: Good for Elephants-Headache for Musicians

AFM President: a plea for an exemption for musicians: AFMTestimony

A musician describes process of application for a Musical Instrument Passport: Passport Application Description

Musical Instrument Passport Form: link here: Passport Form 3-200-23

Ivory Ban FAQs: Includes links to original May 15, 2014 Director’s Order 210 and June 26, 2014 revisions: Ivory Ban Q and A

Want to express concern to your Senator or Representative? League of American Orchestras Action Tips